FRC updates UK Corporate Governance Code 


FRC has issued an updated version of the UK Corporate Governance Code (the Code). This significantly enhances the quality of information investors receive about the long-term health and strategy of listed companies, and raises the bar for risk management.

The FRC has confirmed proposals for boards to include a ‘viability statement’ in the strategic report to investors. This will provide an improved and broader assessment of long-term solvency and liquidity. It is expected that this statement will look forward significantly longer than 12 months. The Code has also been changed in relation to remuneration. Boards of listed companies will now need to ensure that executive remuneration is designed to promote the long-term success of the company and demonstrate how this is being achieved more clearly to shareholders.

Going concern, risk management and internal control

  • Companies should state whether they consider it appropriate to adopt the going concern basis of accounting and identify any material uncertainties to their ability to continue to do so;
  • Companies should robustly assess their principal risks and explain how they are being managed or mitigated;
  • Companies should state whether they believe they will be able to continue in operation and meet their liabilities taking account of their current position and principal risks, and specify the period covered by this statement and why they consider it appropriate. It is expected that the period assessed will be significantly longer than 12 months; and
  • Companies should monitor their risk management and internal control systems and, at least annually, carry out a review of their effectiveness, and report on that review in the annual report.
  • Companies can choose where to put the risk and viability disclosures. If placed in the Strategic Report, directors will be covered by the “safe harbour” provisions in the Companies Act 2006.


  • Greater emphasis be placed on ensuring that remuneration policies are designed with the long-term success of the company in mind, and that the lead responsibility for doing so rests with the remuneration committee; and
  • Companies should put in place arrangements that will enable them to recover or withhold variable pay when appropriate to do so, and should consider appropriate vesting and holding periods for deferred remuneration.

The FRC has also highlighted the importance of the board’s role in establishing the ‘tone from the top’ of the company in terms of its culture and values. The directors should lead by example in order to encourage good behaviours throughout the organisation.

In addition the FRC has emphasised that key to the effective functioning of any board is a dialogue which is both constructive and challenging.

One of the ways in which such debate can be encouraged is through having sufficient diversity on the board, including gender and race. Nevertheless, diverse board composition in these respects is not on its own a guarantee. Diversity can be just as much about difference of approach and experience. The FRC is considering this as part of a review of board succession planning and will consider the need to consult on these issues for the next update to the Code in 2016.

Source: globalaccountantweb

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