Search Results for: Eurogroup meeting

Eurogroup: EU “Trojan Horses” and cracks in the wall

February 20th, 2015 (0)
Friday’s Eurogroup is expected to be a tough day of negotiation and a last chance for a “mutually beneficial” situation Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis’ proposal for a six-month extension of its bailout facility was rejected by Germany that won’t ...

Eurogroup: The statements rejected, changed, withdrawn (read them all!)

February 17th, 2015 (0)
  Eurogroup Finance Ministers ended their meeting without an agreement. The Radical Left Coalition’s (SYRIZA) plan was accepted, but one statement proved a stumbling block: “The Greek authorities have indicated that they intend to successfully conclude the program, taking ...

Greece vs. Eurogroup: Low expectations for a deal

February 16th, 2015 (0)
A crash test for the new Greek government’s endurance The international creditors of Greece appear to have hardened their stand prior to Monday’s Eurogroup meeting aimed at finding common ground with Greece’s new Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) government. Initially, ...

Eurogroup: Points of agreement and discord

February 11th, 2015 (0)
All eyes are on the Eurogroup meeting that kicks of at 7 p.m. on Wednesday with EU partners waiting with baited breath to see how the chips will fall The Eurogroup meeting in Brussels on Wednesday has been dubbed ...

Eurozone finance ministers are set to discuss easing Greece’s debt burden

May 23rd, 2016 (0)
Greek lawmakers on Sunday (22 May) adopted another batch of controversial spending cuts and tax hikes, two days before a crunch eurozone meeting expected to unlock the next tranche of much-needed bailout funds for the debt-ridden nation. The 7,000-page ...

Why the Eurozone May Avoid a Greek Crisis This Summer

May 12th, 2016 (0)
The move by eurozone finance ministers to set out a path to debt relief for Greece is a clear step forward Whisper it, but this summer might not be marked by a flare-up of the Greek crisis. The move ...

Time for deal with Greece’s creditors is running short

March 31st, 2016 (0)
The government is striving to find common ground with the country’s creditors on measures worth 3 percent of Greece’s gross domestic product, or 5.4 billion euros, before the Eurogroup meeting on April 22, so as to have completed its ...

IMF to remain part of bailout program, Greece told

January 15th, 2016 (0)
Remarks by J.Dijsselbloem following the Eurogroup meeting of 14 January 2016 Below is a statement by J.Dijsselbloem: Good afternoon and welcome to this press conference. I will address the issues that we discussed today and then give the floor ...

Creation of a “Bad” Bank

December 21st, 2015 (0)
The banking sector in Cyprus has gone through radical transformation in the last few years following the disastrous events of March 2013. To a large extent, the sector has regained confidence from both its domestic customers and the international ...

Greece’s turbulent year

September 21st, 2015 (0)
Greece’s Alexis Tsipras has said his left-wing Syriza party has a “clear mandate” after winning a second general election in less than nine months. But he said Greeks faced a difficult road and recovery from financial crisis would only ...
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