Search Results for: Venezuela

Lower Oil Revenues See Saudi-Arabia Open Up Stock Exchange

June 18th, 2015 (0)
Saudi Arabia may be rich enough to weather the current trend of low oil prices, but it’s losing money nonetheless and has found a way that it believes could help make up for the loss: opening its stock market ...

OPEC 167th Meeting concludes

June 8th, 2015 (0)
The 167th Meeting of the Conference of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) was held in Vienna, Austria, on Friday, 5th June 2015 under the Chairmanship of its Alternate President, HE Dr. Mohammed Bin Saleh Al Sada, ...

What will Opec do about the oil supply?

June 3rd, 2015 (0)
With oil prices down some 40% in a year, the oil ministers of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) are once again getting together in Vienna this week to decide whether to cut output or keep pumping ...

Top 12 Media Myths on oil prices

April 13th, 2015 (0)
The upstream oil and gas industry is not a black hole. There’s no mystery wrapped in an enigma here. There are a lot of meetings with engineers, chemists and geologists. There’s a constantly evolving learning curve. And then there’s ...

Predicting the Future With Russia’s Economic Nostradamus, Mikhail Dmitriyev

March 19th, 2015 (0)
Mikhail Dmitriyev, president of the New Economic Growth consultancy, is often described as “Russia’s top brain.” He studied in Leningrad in the ’80s and took part in economics discussion clubs with the people who transformed Russia into a market economy, including Anatoly Chubais, the architect of Russia’s privatization ...

Saudis’ Oil Price War Is Paying Off

February 27th, 2015 (0)
Three months after Saudi Arabia made clear it was going to let oil prices keep tumbling, the strategy is showing signs of working. U.S. drillers are idling rigs at a record pace, gutting investment plans and laying off thousands ...

Hogan Lovells Ranked as Leading Firm by Global Arbitration Review for Sixth Consecutive Year

February 26th, 2015 (0)
Hogan Lovells‘ global international arbitration group has been ranked fourth place in Global Arbitration Review’s (GAR) annual listing of the world’s most active international arbitration practices for the second year running. This is the sixth consecutive year that Hogan ...

Local investors regain largest share of HKEx’s securities market trading

February 17th, 2015 (0)
Local investors have regained the largest share of securities market trading at Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx), according to the findings from HKEx’s Cash Market Transaction Survey 2013/14. The survey found local investors contributed 45 per cent ...

Oil jumps as Saudi king’s death feeds market uncertainty

January 23rd, 2015 (0)
Oil prices jumped in Asian trading on Friday as news of the death of Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah added to uncertainty in energy markets already facing some of the biggest shifts in decades. Abdullah died early on Friday and ...

Davos: Bosses ‘less optimistic’ about global economy

January 21st, 2015 (0)
Chief executives are less optimistic about the economy this year than last, a survey unveiled at the World Economic Forum suggests. PwC‘s annual survey shows that just 37% think the economy will improve in 2015, down from 44% last ...
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