Increase in online education in the EU in 2023 

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In 2023, 30% of EU internet users aged 16 to 74 reported that they had done an online course or used online learning material in the three months prior to the survey. This is a 2 percentage point (pp) increase compared with 2022 (28%).

Among all EU members, the Netherlands had the highest share (54%) of internet users doing an online course or using online learning material, followed by Finland (53%), Sweden (48%), Spain (47%) and Estonia (45%).

At the other end of the scale, doing online courses or using online learning material was not very common in Romania (10%), Cyprus (16%), Bulgaria and Greece (both 17%) and Poland (18%).

In general, participation in online education in 2023 increased compared with 2022. The share of people doing online courses or using online learning material increased in most of the EU countries, with the largest increase recorded in the Netherlands (+12 pp), Sweden (+7 pp) and Malta, Estonia and Croatia (all three +5 pp). Decreases were observed in Greece (-12 pp), Cyprus (-5 pp), Austria and Slovenia (both -2 pp).

Methodological notes

  • Ireland: 2022 data not available. As a result, the EU aggregate has been estimated.
  • The data in this article are based on the annual survey on the use of ICT in households and by individuals. The results above refer to individuals’ experiences during the 3 months prior to the survey, i.e. the first quarter of 2023.
  • Online course: a course (planned series of learning activities in a particular subject or topic) offered entirely or partly online and resulting in a qualification or certificate of attendance.
  • Online learning material: the use of educational material (other than an online course) on any subject or topic available online or in a digital format for educational, professional or private purposes (e.g. audio-visual materials, online learning software, electronic textbooks, learning apps).
  • People: people refers to individuals who used the internet in the last 3 months before the survey took place.

Source eurostat

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