
General Motors and General Electric were both victimized by the same Ponzi Scheme

November 30th, 2018 (0)
  General Motors and General Electric were both victimized by the same Ponzi Scheme, and they are both telling us the U.S. economy is in HUGE Trouble. America’s twin economic “generals” are both in very deep trouble. General Electric ...

Index Funds vs. Hedge Funds: Buffett’s Bet, 10 Years Later

May 15th, 2018 (0)
Warren Buffett is of course as the golden-touch investor who is chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. Each year he writes a letter to his shareholders, and along with an update on just what the firm did the previous ...

Study Finds That 22 Percent Of Bitcoin Investors Are Using Debt To Fund Their Investments

January 16th, 2018 (0)
Investing in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ripple, Ethereum and Litecoin is extremely risky, and experts all over the country are warning that people should only invest what they are willing to lose. Unfortunately, many are getting swept up in ...

Measuring the “Free” Digital Economy

January 16th, 2018 (0)
The digital economy provides a number of services for which the marginal price (given an internet connection) is zero: games like Candy Crush, email, web searches, access to information and entertainment, and many more. Because users are not paying ...

5 Highly Respected Financial Experts That Are Warning That A Market Crash Is Imminent

June 1st, 2017 (0)
5 Highly Respected Financial Experts That Are Warning That A Market Crash Is Imminent If everything is going to be “just fine”, why are so many big names in the financial community warning about an imminent meltdown? I don’t ...

Former U.S. politician is warning of a financial collapse by the end of 2017

May 8th, 2017 (0)
Former Reagan Administration Official Is Warning Of A Financial Collapse Some Time ‘Between August And November’ If a former Reagan administration official is correct, we are likely to see the next major financial collapse by the end of 2017. ...

The Upcoming Trade War Between The U.S. And China Will Be The Biggest In The History Of The Planet

March 27th, 2017 (0)
The United States and China are the two largest economies in the world by far, and the upcoming trade war that is about to erupt will be cataclysmic for both sides. The Trump administration and the Chinese government are ...

What You Do On Your Cell Phone Could Come Back To Haunt You

March 20th, 2017 (0)
As far as Big Brother is concerned, nothing that you do on your cell phone is ever private. And if the government really wants to see what is on your cell phone, they are going to get that information ...

You can’t imagine how much every person in the world “owe” for the global debt

March 13th, 2017 (1)
$21,714 For Every Man, Woman And Child In The World – This Global Debt Bomb Is Ready To Explode According to the International Monetary Fund, global debt has grown to a staggering grand total of 152 trillion dollars. Other ...

This Region Of The World Is Being Hit By The Worst Economic Collapse It Has Ever Experienced

March 9th, 2017 (0)
The ninth largest economy in the entire world is currently experiencing “its longest and deepest recession in recorded history”, and in a country right next door people are being encouraged to label their trash so that the thousands upon ...
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