Tinubu Square Winner Of The IE Club Global 60 Trophy 


Tinubu Square, the trusted source of credit risk solutions for trade credit insurers and businesses, has today announced that it has received an award from the IE Club, which is based in Paris, Montreal, Boston and Israel, naming Tinubu an ‘Established Leader’ at its Global 60 event. Tinubu won the award from amongst 20 nominated companies.

This is the first IE Club Global 60 event, in which the IE Club awarded six innovative French companies all of whom met the criteria to be ‘Global Leaders’. Tinubu was competing against other companies who had also demonstrated their ability to operate globally.

The IE-Club is a members-only organisation which is open to innovative companies of all sizes from SME’s to large enterprises. Its aim is to help its members grow their businesses through networking and collaboration.

The awards were announced at an event at the Bourse de Commerce in Paris this month and 60 companies were involved in three different categories. Tinubu Square was distinguished by its ability to evolve its credit management technology and for managing its international and multidisciplinary team locally and abroad. The company, which achieves more than 85% of its turnover from exports, is listed as one of the French organisations that has quickly expanded into Europe, Asia and North America.

Tinubu Square found new growth drivers abroad and its revenue outside Europe increased by 38% at end-June 2014, which by far exceeds the software industry and IT services average.

“International to our core, Tinubu Square has adopted a comprehensive strategy since its creation by recruiting an international team and opening offices and we are proud to see that expertise again recognised by this award that distinguishes our ability to embody excellence abroad, “said Jerome Pezé, CEO of Tinubu Square.

Media contacts
Julie Kirby, Ascendant Communications
Mobile: +44 (0) 7956 955625
Email: jkirby@ascendcomms.net



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