How Long Until Inflation Breaks Germany?
December 14th, 2021
During the 1923 Weimar Republic hyperinflation, newly-destitute Germans burned their life savings to keep warm or carted wheelbarrows of cash to stores to buy bread and milk. This wipe-out of an entire generation’s wealth led directly to Hitler and ...
The Strangest ‘Safe Haven’ Asset Ever?
September 29th, 2021
Not so long ago, companies that make recreational vehicles were great indicators of market tops. Since RVs were frequently the final pointless toy that people bought (after motorcycles, boats, and massive pickup trucks) in the debt orgy that defines ...
Wall Street Journal proves it doesn’t understand gold
August 16th, 2021
Gold bugs should never assume that the mainstream investing community actually understands finance. That includes the Wall Street Journal, which recently published an article (Gold as an Inflation Hedge: What the Past 50 Years Teaches Us) purporting to show ...
The real point of cryptocurrencies is not their price
May 27th, 2021
The Wall Street Journal recently posted an email conversation between columnist Andy Kessler and billionaire Mark Cuban in which Cuban explains the real point of cryptocurrencies. Hint: It has nothing to do with the price of bitcoin or ethereum. ...
Paradise Lost
April 8th, 2021
So a single political party gains control of a lockdown-battered country desperate for any and all forms of government spending. Direct payments, loan forgiveness, infrastructure, all of these and more are not just possible, but popular. The president and ...
Is Bitcoin Strangling The Other Cryptos? Part 2: The Little Guys Are Soaring
January 22nd, 2021
The idea that “bitcoin is its own asset class” and should therefore be judged based on its own highly-constrained supply rests on the assumption that the rest of cryptospace consists of “shitcoins” that will evaporate as bitcoin, with its ...
Here we go again
September 7th, 2020
For the past few years, the US financial system and the Fed have been playing a game of chicken in which the Fed tries to tighten (or at least stop easing) and the stock market behaves like an addict ...
Will a weak dollar bail out emerging markets? Nope
August 24th, 2020
Back in the simpler days of 2019, there was this (now completely forgotten) impending crisis in which emerging market countries’ dollar-denominated debt was going to blow up their – and by extension the rest of the world’s – economies. ...
Jay Taylor: “Stick With Your Gold As Long As You Are Able”
August 17th, 2020
From this week’s edition of J Taylor’s Gold, Energy & Tech Stocks newsletter: Gold’s slight correction of 3.99% this week doesn’t say much. But the $170/oz. decline in about 24 hours certainly did get my attention. And I have ...
As gold soars, miners become hot growth stocks
August 7th, 2020
The idea that a rising gold price is good for gold miners is intuitively easy to grasp. But to understand just how good, you have to see the numbers. Consider the second-quarter reports of mid-tier gold miners Pretium ...